Friday, October 22, 2010

What are the best weight loss foods?

The calories we get from the food we eat are very important because it acts as a fuel, our bodies work to keep. Cast the excess calories that we are in fat deposits or "reserved energy". The fat deposits can be burned by requiring from regular workouts, sports and other activities, the energy.  However, people so busy with her job, family, and all other things and the preference stay at home to the relax while weekends, are the excess fats unburned and to whom the weight gain caused accumulated overtime allowed. Every 3,500 excess calories, which we in our body allows us to gain a pound and each 3500 calories we burn shed off a pound. Because it is easier that control amount of calories we put inside of the body as it off to do intense workouts to burn, this article is to provide information on which are the best foods for weight loss.

There are a lot of diet programs available today; high protein diet, low-calorie diet, low fat diet, no-fat diet, low carb diet, no carb diet, water therapy diet and even crash. These diets could probably help lose weight and lose weight not necessarily equal to be healthy. Thus, health professionals voice on a diet and is a balanced diet. A balanced diet consists of a daily meal that contains the recommended amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium and vitamins and minerals. If you want to lose weight, the adjustment to the amount of calories in everyday to take; happensEat out low-calorie foods all groups who eat Täglich.Sie must but keep in mind that you request recommended should go down over 10% - 20% of your daily calorie expenditure, because your body needs energy to perform its physiological functions such as circulation, respiration, and pumping of the heart.

Carbohydrates from whole grains are important source of energy;The less processed are you that contain more nutrients and dietary fiber that. nutritionists recommend eating 6-11 servings of this food group per Tag.Zum example:

Food per 100 grams or 3.5 oz

Protein plays an important role in the building and muscles to repair. Lean muscles help in metabolism, leads to faster weight loss. It will eat 2-3 daily recommended servings of protein.

Calories per 100 grams or 3.5 oz

It is recommended that 2-4 fruit servings and 2-5 to eat vegetable servings per day.The nutrients we from this food group as fiber provides assistance with the purification of the body.C, iron and folic acid helps other nutrients such as vitamin make our body strong and healthy.

Calories per 100 grams or 3.5 oz

Try servings of dairy products, 2-3 daily, because it healthier, stronger bones and teeth, us therefore helps to prevent osteoporosis and bone break to training or sports.

Calories per 100 grams or 3.5 oz

Food fats in moderation, as this very high calories enthält.Es recommended low fat alternatives as non - stick cooking spray Essen.vermeiden use cooking foods that are high in saturated fat how to increase; instead eat the bad cholesterol level you fats, the rich to simply unsaturated are which lowers bad cholesterol.

Use the above as a guide in planning your daily Mahlzeit.Es is highly recommended, free online food calculator your meal plan a night or a week so that you can calculate the amount of calories you already before the ago, avoiding thus through consumption of calories can use case, the food that you plan to eat is not listed hier.Mit commitment and discipline achieve the body lean and healthy, wanted always in no time.

View the original article here

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